Friday, September 19, 2008

Chapter Six: Questioning the Media

1) How many cable channels do you watch regularly? What programs do you watch? What attracts you to a certain channel?
I watch very few cable channels regularly. I rarely watch television; I watch it whenever I just feel like sitting down and doing nothing. I have trouble finding things on television to interest me; I have to flip through channels for what seems like hours. I do not watch any specific program besides sports games. There are a few channels that have some programming that is pretty decent to watch like the Discovery Channel for instance. I like watching some of the Discovery Channel’s programming because its complex factual information that has been broken down for the average person to understand.

4) CNN and MTV have changed our society as well as the global culture. Have these changes been positive or negative? Explain.
CNN and MTV have really changed our society and the global culture. However, these changes are both positive and negative I feel. CNN has impacted the news world in a huge way. Breaking news is truly breaking news because a Channel like CNN has constant coverage. CNN however has hurt the newspaper business because people no longer need to read a newspaper to get news because by the time the paper is printed and distributed the news is “old news.” MTV at first was great and exposed the world to artists and their music videos. However, now MTV has sold out and isn’t really about the music it seems to be more about whiny spoiled teenage girls and celebrity gossip.

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