Thursday, October 9, 2008

Chapter Eight: Questioning the Media

2) Why do you think people aren't reading daily newspapers as frequently as they once did? What can newspapers do to increase circulation?
Newspapers have been in decline since news companies like CNN went onto the television. The rise of the use of the internet has not helped the newspaper industry either. People aren’t reading the daily newspapers because they are “old news” both technologically and literally. The people of today want to get things instantly and the internet and news channels provide this so therefore a newspaper that comes out once a day is obsolete to these people. I don’t know if there are anything newspapers can do besides what they have been doing to increase circulation. Newspapers have to be able to provide something that online and TV news can’t provide like localized news.

6) Will blogs and other Internet news services eventually replace newspapers? Explain your response.
Blogs and other Internet news services could eventually replace newspapers. However, I think the companies will remain the same will no longer produce a daily paper but more like a weekly paper much like the Sunday paper. This paper will consist of things that happened in the area that week things that are upcoming events and local stories and features about people or things within a certain community. Another major part of this weekly newspaper would be the ads in it. These ads would help finance the paper. I hope the newspaper won’t be replaced in my time because I often enjoy reading the newspaper because it is portable and you have a hard copy that you can keep and hold on to.

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