Monday, November 24, 2008

Questioning the Media: Chapter 16

4) Who is Judith Miller? Should the United States have a federal shield law to protect reporters?
Judith Miller is a reporter for the New York Times she spent 85 days in jail. Miller was sentenced to jail for refusing to testify and reveal her sources in a CIA investigation. Miller was convicted of many accounts of perjury and obstruction of justice. The United States should have a federal shield law to protect reporters. Reporters have the right for their safety to not reveal their sources. In some cases if a reporter were to reveal where they got their information they could be put into danger. However, most of the time this is not the case but if reporters were made to reveal their sources their sources would stop giving them their information.

6) Should the Fairness Doctrine be revived? Why or why not?
Yes, the Fairness Doctrine should be brought back. The Fairness Doctrine required holders of broadcast licenses to present the public with controversial issues of public importance and do it as honest and fair as possible. The basis of this doctrine sounds like a good idea. People would be better informed and hear both sides to issues instead of the one that is chosen for them to know. Under the implementation of the Fairness Doctrine people would be left up to make their own decisions on issues and would also be more informed.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Questioning the Media: Chapter 15

1) What re your main concerns or criticisms about the state of media studies at your college or university?
So far I have not had many classes that deal with media studies at my university. I plan on taking more classes that study the media more in depth. Some of my previous classes have incorporated a little bit about the media especially my sociology classes. However, I do wish classes would incorporate more current events into the curriculum. This would raise discussions about things that are happening in today's world and how students are going to be affected and what they can do to change things. Media in our society is extremely important it rules every aspect of people's lives. Students also need to learn about how powerful the media is and gain a better understanding of it.

2) One charge that has been leveled against a lot of media research-- both the effects and the cultural models-- is that it has very little impact on changing our media institutions. Do you agree or disagree, and why?
I agree with the statement that media research has had little impact on changing the media institutions. The media is very tricky, much of the things presented through the media are biased in one way or another. In addition to being biased the media doesn't give all of the facts or information. Media has been like this forever and the people who are in power decide what the public can hear. Media institutions have always been this way and will always be this way.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Questioning the Media: Chapter Thirteen

1) Are you exposed to popular culture from other countries? Why or why not? Give some examples.
Yes, I am personally exposed to popular culture from other countries. I am exposed to popular culture from other countries because I am interested in it. I receive in the mail a newspaper from Norway that has things such as current events like festivals and different things relating to their culture. However, I think that the American popular culture has extended to the rest of the world and all popular cultures are either the same or close to that of the United States. Another reason that i am exposed to popular culture from other countries is my upbringing. When I lived in California there were 11 different first languages in my first grade class. Many of my friends were first generation Americans and this exposed me to their cultures.

5) Is there a such thing as a global village? What does this concept mean to you?
I don't think that there is any true global village. However, the concept of a global village is in practice. A global village is not possible in my mind because there are numerous places in the world that do not communicate with other countries because they are not as technologically advanced and do not have the means to. The idea of a global village makes me think about unity. There is not very much unity in the world even in our own culture others are discriminated against. Hopefully one day the idea of a global village is possible and could happen.

Questioning the Media: Chapter 12

2) What might a college or university do to improve public relations with homeowners on the edge of a campus who have to deal with noisy student parties and a shortage of parking spaces?
There are numerous things a college or university could do to improve their public relations with homeowners who have to deal with the noise issues from student parties and the shortage of parking spaces. First of all, the campus could monitor parties and take noise complaints seriously and punish those students and to solve the parking issue make more lots and spaces or even reserve spots for the neighbors of the school. Those suggestions are a little harsher towards the students so maybe the campus could come up with a trade off. For instance, they could make some campus facilities open to the neighboring public for no cost. Things like the gym and library would be a plus for neighbors to use.

4) Can and should the often hostile relationship between the journalism and PR professions be mended? Why or why not?
Yes, the hostile relationship should be mended between the journalism and public relations professions. Hostile relationships are never healthy. Many of the workers in both fields have identical if not very close to the same schooling and may even use the same methods in their work. If differences were put aside possibly the relationship between the journalism and PR professions could be very productive and help both fields. If the two professions got along work for the journalists would be a lot easier and the PR people.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Chapter Eleven: Questioning the Media

4) Should advertising aimed at children be regulated? Support your response.
I feel the advertising aimed at children should be regulated. I feel this because young children are very impressionable. Impression whether they are good or bad are made on children from what they hear and see. Children are exposed to a lot of different types of media also. They play games on the Internet, watch cartoons on the television, listen to tunes on the radio, and even possibly look at children magazines. All of these areas of mass media expose children to advertisements that could be geared towards them. In addition to children being impressionable to things they see and hear they also have a lot of money at their disposal. They get money from their parents and grandparents and can almost get whatever they want. This is not good for those having to buy things cause it can get expensive.

6) Would you be in favor of regular advertising on public television and radio as a means of financial support for these media? Explain your answer.
I would be in favor of regular advertising on public television and radio a mean of financial support. I in favor of this because these are free to access for the public so they need to get money somewhere. Advertisements these days cost thousands or even close to millions of dollars depending on the programming these advertisements are a great financial source for these media. Advertisements are good but sometimes very annoying and time consuming to viewers. They give viewers a chance to use the restroom or grab another beer (or a pop if you are underage) from the fridge if you're watching football or another sport.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Chapter Ten: Questioning the Media

1) What are your earliest recollections of books? Do you read for pleasure? If yes, what kind of books do you enjoy? Why?
My earliest recollections of books would be book that my mother or father read while we went on road trips to see our family in Minnesota while we lived in San Jose and Atlanta. They read novels while my other parent drove and my sister and I played with toys or watched movies. As soon as my mother taught me to read i was always reading books. When I was really little my mom went to garage sales and bought me tons of books to read since I enjoyed it so much. When I was in second grade I started to stay up late at night reading because I enjoyed it so much. I still try to read books for pleasure but it is difficult because I am so busy. My favorite types of books to read are classics such as books by Jules Verne or Charles Dickens. I enjoy reading them because I can completely shut everything of and just concentrate on reading which is very relaxing to me.

6) Would you read a book on an iPod? Why or why not?
No, I would not read a book on an iPod. I have listened to books on tape before and I did not really enjoy them. I think the reason I do not enjoy listening to books is because I am so used to reading on my own. I like being able to read at my own pace. I also like how when reading yourself if there is something you do not completely understand you can re-read it with ease rather than having to rewind to get the message. Another main reason I do not enjoy listening to books being read is how it compares to how I read. When comparing listening to reading, I block everything out and concentrate and become consumed by reading but when I am listening to a book I can become distracted and do something else.

Chapter Nine: Questioning the Media

1) What are your earliest recollections of magazines? Which magazines do you read regularly today? Why?
My earliest recollections and memories of magazines would have to be my dad's National Geographic magazine. My dad has always had a subscription to National Geographic, I never read National Geographic until I was old enough to read it; when I was younger I just enjoyed looking at pictures of animals and different cultures. When I was around the age of entering school my parents got me a subscription to Ranger Rick and Wildlife magazine because of my interest in animals and wildlife. Today I do not regularly read any magazine but when I have the opportunity I will flip through magazines such as Sports Illustrated, Newsweek, and National Geographic. I usually get this opportunity when I am at a doctor or dentist's office.

7) Do you think cable television, the Internet, and other technology will eventually displace magazines? Why or why not?
I do not think that cable television, the Internet, and other technologies will eventually displace magazines. Cable television will not ever be able to completely create the variety and abundance of magazines in circulation. The Internet is really hard to moderate and charge money for media. However, the main reason I think and feel magazines will not become obsolete and be replaced is because people like to have something they can hold in their hands and flip through the pages and gawk at pictures. Also, many people collect magazines and pictures in magazines and many art students use them to make collages and other forms of art.